Our DARRT administrators work with your designated representative to design a customized, carrier-approved insurability matrix. No less than annually, we obtain and review the Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) of employees with access to company vehicles or regular driving duties in any vehicle and assign them an insurability rating based upon your matrix. We will also evaluate potential drivers to alert you if they will not meet your insurance carrier’s underwriting standards.
We provide a written driver program for your use or supplementing your existing program. Our written program includes policies such as driver requirements and eligibility; how drivers are selected and what criteria they will be evaluated against; safety guidelines and requirements; alcohol and drug testing; hands-free cell phone usage; accident reporting; and more.
We comply with requirements of the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and Privacy Protection Rights of employees and prospective employees, pertaining to Motor Vehicle Reports (MVR) access, protecting liability risks inherent in FCRA compliance.
As your broker we use your program and resulting controls to positively impact the pricing and conditions for your commercial auto and workers’ compensation policies.
We maintain current, real-time MVR records of all drivers, the respective insurability rating of each, and provide you with a complete and current drivers’ listings on a regular basis.