Professional Experience
Chuck is a Risk Advisor at Gibson responsible for providing risk management and insurance services
to business clients. He specializes in identifying, quantifying and bringing clarity around strategic, business, and hazard risk exposures. Utilizing the proprietary Sightline process, he and his team provide counsel and advice on complex business and people issues that extend far beyond the scope of an insurance policy. Chuck joined Gibson in 2023.
Prior to joining Gibson in 2023, Chuck worked at HUB International for 7 years. He gained extensive commercial insurance and risk management experience working with middle market clients in various business sectors, including construction, real estate, manufacturing and agriculture. He specialized in program design & implementation, international considerations in a global marketplace, and strategic account management solutions.
- Commercial Lines Coverage Specialist (CLCS)
Community Involvement
- First Tee
- Ducks Unlimited
Specialty Areas
- Agriculture
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Real Estate
- Hospitality
- Western Michigan University, Haworth College of Business | Bachelor's Degree in Sales & Marketing
- Kalamazoo College | Kalamazoo College Football Team