Erin Seifer

Erin Seifer

Erin is the Service Team Manager for the Commercial Risk Management team and is responsible for setting program goals and developing strategies to achieve those goals. She works with our Team Leaders to provide our teams the environment they need to carry out the Gibson client experience. In addition, she manages the insurance renewal process as a Client Manager, acting as the central point of communication to coordinate service requests with team members and underwriters to communicate insurance program needs. She works with the Client Executive to determine overall risk management program goals and developing strategies to achieve those goals. Read Erin's Full Bio

Recent posts by Erin Seifer

2 min read

Accountability Is Key

By Erin Seifer on Apr 1, 2022 6:30:00 AM

“Accountability breeds response-ability.” – Stephen Covey

What is accountability? The dictionary defines it as the state or quality of being accountable. It is the decision to be responsible for your actions and your work within your team and company.

Let’s break this down in real terms...
Accountability means you follow through and do what you say you are going to do. You don’t make excuses or blame others.

As a leader, I lean heavily on Patrick Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions Of A Team. He describes how many teams avoid accountability. It creates a ripple effect. They don’t trust each other and as a result won’t discuss matters honestly. They fail to hold each other to a standard of accountability. In this environment, the team’s work becomes unfocused, their energy dissipates, and things fall apart.

Topics: Executive