Construction industry participants face exposure to risks arising from the professional services that are required to design and construct a particular project. Professional liability insurance is a common tool used by contractors and designers to transfer risks from errors and omissions in the provision of professional services to third party insurers in exchange for payment of the policy premium. For design professionals these policies provide coverage for losses arising out of errors and omissions in professional design services such as those that result in the development of plans and specifications, as well as those arising from defective contract administration and consulting. Contractors purchase these policies to provide coverage largely to cover exposures from defective construction management.
2 min read
The Details Matter: Nuances to Insurance Coverage in the Construction Industry
By Mark A. Rysberg on Aug 3, 2022 6:45:00 AM
Topics: Risk Management Construction Construction & Surety
1 min read
National Work Zone Awareness Week
By Gibson on Apr 8, 2019 6:30:00 AM
Each year, National Work Zone Awareness Week brings attention to these safety, mobility, and constructability issues. As a driver, you must use extra caution in work zones to keep yourself and others safe.