During this very challenging and hardening insurance market, we recognize that eliminating certain types of insurance can be tempting. We often see requests to reduce or remove coverages like directors & officers liability, employment practices liability, fiduciary liability, and comprehensive crime coverage to allow for upfront premium savings. However, it is important to understand that eliminating these policies results in a gap in coverage and can actually increase your costs. Defending claims for actual or alleged wrongful acts related to managing your organization, your employees, and your employee benefit programs can be very costly. Any claim settlements would be an additional out-of-pocket expense to your bottom line.
2 min read
Management Liability Crime Considerations
By Chris Kidd on Jun 9, 2021 6:45:00 AM
Topics: Commercial Insurance Claims Commercial Risk Management
What's The Risk: 4th of July
By Gibson on Jul 3, 2019 6:30:00 AM
Celebrating one of the nation's most historical holidays can be festive, but has the potential for risk. So we bring you a look at the 4th of July by the numbers with interesting statistics and facts. As with any holiday celebration, have fun and stay safe!
Topics: Risk Management Claims Personal Insurance & Risk Management Commercial Risk Management WhatsTheRisk
7 min read
OSHA Update: 2017 Most Frequently Cited Violations
By Gary Clark on Dec 4, 2017 6:30:00 AM
Each year OSHA releases the 10 most frequently cited standards. Many of the same standards have found themselves on this list in recent years. Fall Protection - General Requirements (Standard 1926.501) remains on top by a wide margin. The only new addition to this year's list is Fall Protection - Training Requirements (Standard 1926.503) at #9.
Are you taking proper precautions to avoid these hazards in your facility and promote workplace safety?
Topics: Commercial Insurance Risk Management Construction Claims
7 min read
2016 Most Frequently Cited OSHA Violations
By Gary Clark on Dec 12, 2016 6:30:00 AM
Each year OSHA releases the 10 most frequently cited standards. Many of the same standards have found themselves on this list in recent years. For the sixth year in a row, Fall Protection (Standard 1926.501) tops the lists. And the only change from 2015 to 2016 is the Machine Guarding and Electrical Wiring swapped spots.
Are you taking proper precautions to avoid these hazards in your facility and promote workplace safety?
Topics: Commercial Insurance Risk Management Construction Claims
11 min read
OSHA Update: Rising Fines And 2015 Most Frequently Cited Standards
By Gary Clark on Dec 9, 2015 6:30:00 AM
Each year OSHA releases the 10 most frequently cited standards. Many of the same standards have found themselves on this list in recent years. The penalty for violating these, and any, OSHA standards is about to increase for the first time since 1990.
Topics: Commercial Insurance Risk Management Construction Claims
1 min read
Give Thanks For Great Claims Service
By Gibson on Nov 24, 2015 6:30:00 AM
This is a time of giving thanks. At Gibson, we are thankful to have tools and resources to help you identify exposures and manage your organization's risks. We are also grateful to have a claims team who is there to assist when losses do occur. I may be a little biased, but I think our claims team rocks!
This Thanksgiving, our claims team is sharing some unfortunate claims scenarios. These will make you thankful for having people on your side, people to help you protect what matters most!
Topics: Risk Management Claims
4 min read
#DisasterReady: Is Your Business Prepared For A Tornado?
By Gibson on Jul 13, 2015 6:30:00 AM
The dark clouds roll in. The warning siren sounds. Severe weather is coming…are you and your employees ready?
The storm may pass your site, causing little to no damage. But if you are caught in the heart of the tornado, the result could be catastrophic. You’ve seen the images. Entire towns wiped out in the path of a tornado. You can’t predict the outcome of a storm, but you can plan ahead to make sure your organization is disaster ready.
Topics: Commercial Insurance Risk Management Claims #DisasterReady
2 min read
Take Time To Inventory Your Home
By Gibson on Mar 2, 2015 6:30:00 AM
Tornados, fires, and storms happen. Burglaries happen. You take precautions to protect your home from these situations, but have you thought about what you would do if you lost your possessions?
Yes, your insurance policy is there to help cover your losses. But how do you know how much coverage you need? How will you go about replacing what you lose?
Creating a detailed inventory of your belongings is an important step in protecting your home. Don’t overlook it.
Topics: Claims Personal Insurance & Risk Management
3 min read
Educating Your Employees On Personal Autos For Business Use
By Gibson on Feb 16, 2015 6:30:00 AM
Do you have employees driving their personal vehicles on behalf of your organization? Perhaps for making sales calls, visiting clients, running to the post office, or picking up equipment or supplies? If so, what risk management strategies have you adopted to ensure your company is properly protected and your employees are properly insured for business use?
Topics: Risk Management Claims Personal Insurance & Risk Management
2 min read
What You Need To Know About Ice Dams
By Gibson on Feb 2, 2015 6:30:00 AM
As if the cold weather and snow weren’t enough to deal with, the winter also brings the danger of ice dams. The combination of snow on your roof, the freezing temperatures, and heat escaping from your home can create chunks of ice along edges of your roof. This prevents melted snow from draining off. The backup of water created can then leak into the home and cause significant damage.