1 min read

Giving Back: Gibson's Community Investment Strategy

By Gibson on Mar 11, 2020 6:45:00 AM

At Gibson, giving back to the community isn’t just a transaction. It’s part of the fabric that makes up the core of our company. Gibson is always looking for ways to empower all team members to participate in a giving experience, whether that is through direct giving, input on corporate giving, group projects, through volunteer service, or board leadership.

Topics: Wellbeing Community
2 min read

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Prevention in the Workplace

By Gibson on Mar 4, 2020 2:22:36 PM

By now, we're all well acquainted with news of the coronavirus (COVID-19), which, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), has now been confirmed in over 70 countries and has affected well over 90,000 individuals globally, resulting in over 3,000 deaths. While the vast majority of cases remain outside the U.S. at this time, it's never too ambitious to begin implementing prevention techniques in our homes and places of work. Below is a list of simple prevention techniques and travel best-practices in order to limit the possibility of COVID-19 spread and exposure:

Topics: Wellbeing
1 min read

Beyond Benefits: Tackling Today's Greatest Talent Challenges Webinar

By Gibson on Nov 6, 2019 6:30:00 AM

We all struggle to get ahead of the talent challenges of today's workplace. At Gibson, we care so much about this topic that we have partnered with employee engagement software leader, Emplify, to bring insights and tools to the table as trusted advisors.

In this webinar, we’ll be joined by Emplify CEO and Co-founder, Santiago Jaramillo, as he shares actionable takeaways to build your own personalized culture framework to help you not only mitigate culture challenges, but get ahead of them.

Topics: Wellbeing
3 min read

Do You Have A Best Friend At Work?

By Whitney Trent on Oct 30, 2019 6:30:00 AM


Do you have a best friend at work?

I heard this for the first time three years ago. I’d just started at Gibson and was becoming familiar with employee wellbeing and engagement surveys. I came across this question from the Gallup Q12 survey and remember thinking how strange I thought it was. Honestly, I’d never thought about it before.

Many people have the same reaction. In surveys, some employees comment that they already have a best friend and they don't need to spend extra time with the people they work with outside of work.

Having a best friend at work simply relates to having someone at work that you can confide in or share an experience with.

Turns out… it can be one of the most important factors in employee engagement and happiness at work. Having a best friend at work can lead to increased:

  • Job Satisfaction
  • Performance
  • Productivity

Let’s consider the impact this can have beyond employee satisfaction and employee engagement. What if your “best friend at work” was your saving grace when it comes to your mental health? Sometimes, we struggle sharing details of personal relationships or personal challenges with our closest friends out of fear of judgement or not wanting to feel like a burden, but at times a work friend can be the best person to open up to. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly one in five U.S. adults live with mental illness. More workdays are lost to mental health-related absenteeism than any other injury or illness. A study from the “Mental Health in the Workplace Summit” found mental illness is the leading cause of disability for U.S. adults aged 15 to 44.

Know What To Look For

Recognize the signs. It is important for managers/team leaders and co-workers to know and recognize the common signs listed below:

  • Arriving late
  • Missing deadlines
  • Mood swings
  • A reliable co-worker suddenly is disappearing for hours or days at a time.
  • An unkempt appearance or lack of personal hygiene.

No one should, or has to, handle a mental health challenge on their own. You may be all the help they need or may be the one who can encourage them to get more help. Here’s how:

  • Talk To Them & Show That You Care. Do not force a conversation, but say you are available if they want to talk. Saying that you are there can let them know they are not alone.
  • Stay Calm. Speaking calmly and slowly helps set the tone for them to do the same.
  • Listen. Sometimes, just being there and giving the person the chance to talk is the best help you can provide.
  • Show Empathy. You don’t need to have ever experienced what they are going through or don’t need to tell them you are sorry for them. Recognize their feelings for what they are, such as “I can see how frustrating that is” or “you must be really upset”.
  • Take Care Of Yourself. Helping others can be tiring. Know the limits of what you can do. You can help and listen as a friend, but you can’t do everything on your own.

Given the prevalence of mental illness, you can expect that employees at your organization are experiencing mental health challenges. That’s why it’s important for your organization to create a culture that supports employees’ mental health. While this may sound complicated, creating a workplace that is supportive of mental health is easier than it seems. Here are five simple ways that your company can support employees and their mental health.

  • Promote mental health awareness and destigmatizing it in the office
  • Offer flexible scheduling
  • Address workplace stress
  • Evaluate your benefit offerings
  • Provide mental health training for managers

When you openly talk about mental health, the ways you support mental health, and communicate the resources available,  employees are more likely to feel comfortable and ask for help if they’re struggling.

If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, talk about how you are feeling with someone you trust. Do not be ashamed to admit you need help. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is always staffed and ready to listen at 1-800-273-TALK(8255).



Topics: Wellbeing HR Solutions
1 min read

Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over

By Gibson on Aug 21, 2019 6:30:00 AM

This week begins the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s “Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over” national campaign, which continues through Labor Day. Summer is a time to take advantage of the weather, cookout, go to the beach, and enjoy time with family and friends. Unfortunately, during the summer, there is an increased number of alcohol related vehicle accidents.

Topics: Personal Insurance & Risk Management Personal Insurance Health & Human Services Wellbeing
2 min read

CPR & AED Awareness Week

By Gibson on Jun 5, 2019 6:30:00 AM

An estimated 10,000 workplace cardiac arrests occur in the United States each year. Even worse, many don’t know the symptoms of a cardiac arrest. As a result, only 46% of people who have “Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrests (OHCA)” receive proper CPR before medical help has responded. CPR can double, or even triple, the survival rate.  

This week is CPR & AED Awareness Week. An emergency can happen at any time and you should know what to expect when that time comes. Become more aware in the workplace with these tips from the American Heart Association. With only 50% of people in a workplace knowing where to locate an AED, many lives are at risk.

Topics: Health Risk Management Health & Human Services Wellbeing
6 min read

Child Passenger Safety Week

By Gibson on Sep 26, 2018 6:30:00 AM

Car crashes are a leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 13. Many times, deaths and injuries can be prevented by proper use of car seats, boosters, and seat belts. On average, two children under 13 were killed per day in 2016 while riding in cars, SUVs, pickups, or vans. Below are some tips to follow to ensure that a child is properly secured in your vehicle.

Topics: Wellbeing
3 min read

Healthy Aging Month

By Gibson on Sep 12, 2018 6:30:00 AM

September is healthy aging month. While this campaign is aimed at individuals 45 or older, it’s also a great opportunity for EVERYONE to take some time to evaluate their life and recognize the possibilities that come with getting older.

Topics: Commercial Risk Management Health & Human Services Wellbeing
2 min read

National Immunization Awareness Month

By Gibson on Aug 6, 2018 6:30:00 AM

Immunizations represent one of the greatest public health accomplishments of the 20th century. Vaccines are the best way to prevent infectious disease. Being immunized is important for at least two reasons:

Topics: Health & Human Services Wellbeing
2 min read

National Women's Health Week

By Gibson on May 14, 2018 6:30:00 AM

National Women's Health Week (NWHW) kicks off on Mother's Day. Led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office on Women’s Health, this is an initiative to encourage all women to make their health a priority and build positive habits for life. To improve your physical and mental wellbeing NWHW encourages you to:

Topics: Wellbeing