3 min read

CPR Saves Lives

Jun 1, 2016 6:30:00 AM

CRP_Saves_Lives.jpgCPR training can truly make a difference. Consider this story. One of our loss prevention consultants recently led a CPR course for a client and their employees. An employee who attended this training session soon put his CPR skills to use. While at church, a fellow parishioner had a heart attack and collapsed. This employee was able to perform CPR and keep the individual alive until help arrived. The impact of safety training such as CPR, AED, and first aid is far reaching – and literally lifesaving.

Every June, the American Heart Association promotes the awareness of CPR & AEDs. But this topic deserves your attention more than just one month of the year.

Whether you’re in an office setting, on a construction site, or working in a factory – sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) does not discriminate. It can strike anywhere. And the survival rate drops drastically with each minute that passes.

According to the American Heart Association, 90% of individuals who suffer cardiac arrests out of the hospital do not survive. But CPR, especially if performed right away, can double or triple the victim’s chance of survival. Unfortunately research has found that most people do not feel prepared to act during a cardiac emergency. What’s the solution? CPR training!

CPR, as well as first aid training, can be a great way to prepare your employees and develop a safety culture. Take a look at this SlideShare presentation to learn more about the benefits of CPR and first aid training in the workplace.


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Topics: Risk Management
Gary Clark

Written by Gary Clark

Gary is the Loss Prevention Manager at Gibson, specializing in risk management techniques and loss prevention services for business clients. His responsibilities include oversight of the Loss Prevention team, providing them with guidance and support for achieving the strategic goals of the agency and clients. In addition, Gary is responsible for leading ongoing staff training, recruiting efforts, and monitoring service quality and timeliness. Read Gary's Full Bio