4 min read

Two Are Better Than One

May 4, 2023 6:30:00 AM

FW Office1

How is Gibson handling remote work? Are you letting your employees work from home? How are you going to get employees back in the office full-time?  

I still frequently hear these questions in meetings. The reality is Gibson will forever have some kind of workplace flexibility, and if handled properly, it can be a great way to help address the ever-changing needs of our workforce.  

Often, I am told by teammates that working from home allows them to be more productive, work harder, stay focused longer, or get more work done in a day. My response to this is usually: "Well, that's great, but what are you giving up by not being in the office?" 

The answer varies depending on who I am talking to. Many of my teammates in the Fort Wayne office might roll their eyes because they are tired of me beating the "back in the office drum.” But I think not only do we do better work together, but we are all healthier together than we are when we isolate ourselves.  

According to SocialSelf, “socialization activates areas of our brain that are important for daily life, such as areas related to memory, language, decision-making, and understanding each other’s emotions.” 

Additionally, research shows collaborative problem-solving leads to better outcomes. People are more likely to take calculated risks that lead to innovation if they have the support of a team behind them. Working in a team encourages growth, increases job satisfaction, and reduces stress. 

Our social lives are the bedrock of health and emotional well-being. We are better together than if we are alone. There is no doubt about it. When we have other people in our lives – work and personal – we thrive as humans.  

Personally, working with my Gibson peers is the best part of the job. We collaborate to reach a common goal – we are working together to serve the needs of our clients, teams, and employees. What makes it truly better is the teamwork, the friendship, the camaraderie. Celebrating birthdays & wins, being there for others in difficult times, and working through personal & professional challenges – sharing in the lives of co-workers can have a profound impact on each of us personally and on our work. 

There is a place for remote work. It has allowed our Gibson team to grow and expand into new markets. It has made it possible for some of my colleagues to stay with the company even when their family needs to move to another state. And technology has made it much easier for us to collaborate, regardless of where we are located. But there is nothing quite like gathering, in person, with your teammates - I hope we never lose sight of that. We are better together.  

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 

Topics: Executive
Chris Niezer

Written by Chris Niezer

Chris is a Managing Principal in the Property & Casualty Practice. He specializes in identifying business, strategic, and hazard risk exposures. Chris consults with clients in manufacturing, education, and public entity to develop and implement strategies to effectively and efficiently protect their organization.
Prior to joining Gibson in 2015, Chris worked for 10 years in the property and casualty industry with The Hartford and most recently Hanover Insurance Group. At Hanover Chris managed a team of Middle Market underwriters focusing on manufacturing, education, food processing and commercial real estate, among other industries. Chris has extensive experience in underwriting and strategic leadership.