Gratitude. That’s what I’m feeling right now. Extremely grateful. Grateful to be part of Gibson. Grateful for my fellow employee-owners and all the hard work they’re doing. Grateful that I’m able to work and provide for my family. And yes, even grateful I can help my kids with eLearning.
I did not always feel that way. My family is wrapping up week 5 of being home due to COVID-19. It’s been challenging to balance schedules, work full-time, and help with eLearning.
This past month I’ve gained some perspective. I’ve talked with family members who are on the frontlines working as doctors and nurses; hearing about the anxiety and stress they are facing every day. Others are in the restaurant industry, where pay cuts and layoffs have become commonplaces as the businesses try to stay afloat.
Listening to the challenges they are experiencing; I’ve been reminded of all the blessings I have. I’ve been overwhelmed with gratitude that I’m in a situation where I’m still able to work, and from the safety of my home. I know this is not true for many in our communities. They are facing hardships right now to provide for their families and take care of kids and loved ones. So, as I approach the 6th week of lockdown for my family, I’m reminded to step back and be thankful amidst the chaos.
A few questions have been going through my mind. How can I express this gratitude? How can I help show my children how to support those who are facing the toughest challenges? How can we thank the individuals who are doing their best to keep us all safe?
It’s been refreshing to see so many examples on social media and in the news of people finding ways to help. Nonprofits getting creative on how to continue pursuing their missions with such drastic changes to the ways they typically operate and fundraise. Neighbors lending a hand to those who at higher risks, bringing groceries to their doorsteps. College students offering their knowledge through virtual tutoring sessions for kids. Parades of teachers driving through neighborhoods to wave to their students and share messages of motivation and hope. Children using chalk to decorate their sidewalks and driveways with encouraging messages and artwork for all who pass by.
It may not be as “easy” these days to find out where the needs are and how to help, but with a little creativity, we can all find a small way to show our gratitude and support.
What’s The Risk?
The risk is in losing perspective. Yes, we all have challenging times ahead of us. Especially without a known date as to when things will be back to “normal.” But I have no doubt that with some perspective, a little gratitude, and support of each other, our best and brightest days are ahead of us.
Take care, stay safe, and be well.