Laura Butler

Laura Butler

As Practice Leader of Employee Benefits, Laura is responsible for supporting the internal service team in growth and development strategies through operational excellence. As a member of the Leadership Team, she is accountable to clients for their partnership experience with Gibson. Prior to joining Gibson, Laura spent fifteen years at another firm where she worked with both fully insured and self-funded employers ranging in size from 15 to 1300 employee lives. Laura’s consulting strengths were in strategically leading clients through challenging renewals, developing long-term benefit strategies, and focusing on employee health and well-being through data analytics. Over her 15 years, her client retention was an area of recognition in the market. Read Laura's Full Bio

Recent posts by Laura Butler

4 min read

It's Been One Year...ALREADY?!?

By Laura Butler on Feb 22, 2024 6:30:00 AM


After making any sort of significant change in your life, you may have found yourself saying “Well, it’s only been a few months since…” to explain why you don’t know something, why you’re still catching up, or as it relates to the progress you’ve made in a positive way. Recently, I found myself saying, “Well, it’s been almost a year since I joined Gibson.” What I didn’t say out loud, but was certainly thinking in my head, was “ALREADY?!?” 


So much can change in 12 months. And life changes—such as a career move—are not ones to make lightly or haphazardly. As my dad taught me, “You find a job and work really hard. You stay loyal to them, and they will be loyal to you. You ride out the hard times because of the good.”   

Topics: Leadership Team Leadership