Workers’ compensation claims can be costly. You know that. As a safety or human resources professional, you often have the daunting task of analyzing how workers’ compensation claims are impacting the company. If you don’t have the right tools and information, you are potentially missing key indicators.
What factors can have an impact on workers’ comp claims? Do you have a strong return-to-work program in place? Are you familiar with how your experience modification factor (experience mod) is derived? Do you understand how it impacts costs? Are you aware of the ways it can be controlled?
Watch this on-demand webinar to hear our Director of Risk Management Services, Shawna Neilson, discuss these questions and more.
Ready to tackle your organization’s workers’ compensation claims? Tune into the webinar to learn:
- The impact of timely claims reporting on costs,
- Benefits of a strong return-to-work program,
- How the experience mod is calculated and what can be done to control it.
Together, these items can facilitate a stronger employee culture, save your company money, and provide a mechanism to help justify a safety department’s budget.