We all have our favorite Thanksgiving traditions. It could be eating turkey and pumpkin pie, spending quality time with family, watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, cheering on your favorite football team, preparing for Black Friday shopping, or perhaps you’re someone who loves to start the day by running in a local turkey trot race. This week is a time to gather with friends and family, and to give thanks for our blessings.
Unfortunately the holiday also brings its share of danger. Don’t let Thanksgiving hazards put a damper on your celebrations. Consider these 4 tips to keep your family and home safe this Thanksgiving.
1. Travel Safely
If you’re traveling this Thanksgiving, you will not be alone. The holiday is consistently one of the busiest travel times of the year. According to AAA, it is estimated that more than 55 million Americans will travel 50+ miles from home during Thanksgiving this year. This will be the second-highest Thanksgiving travel volume since AAA began tracking in 2000, trailing only the record set in 2005.
Use caution on roadways, especially if there is snow or ice. Make sure your car is ready for winter weather. For winter driving safety tips, click here. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also reminds us to buckle up, drive sober, and plan ahead for holiday travel.
2. Protect Your Home While You Are Away
If you’re traveling to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends and family, be sure to prepare your home. It is going to be sitting empty for several days - have you done all you can to protect it?
Over 1 million residential burglaries occur each year, costing homeowners billions of dollars. Though you cannot prevent all burglaries, there are steps you can take to protect your home while you are away. Click here to check out these 9 steps.
3. Avoid Cooking Mishaps
Thanksgiving is a peak day for cooking fires. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), “three times as many home cooking fires occur on Thanksgiving as on a typical day.”
Why such a spike in fires over the holidays? The leading factor is unattended cooking. There is a lot going on when you’re preparing a Thanksgiving meal – you’re cooking numerous dishes and you have family around, both of which can cause distractions and lead to unfortunate cooking mishaps.
And don’t forget about turkey fryers! Use extreme caution when cooking in a turkey fryer as misuse can cause burns, injuries, and significant property damage. For cooking safety tips, visit the NFPA and the U.S. Fire Administration.
4. Be A Responsible Host
If you’re having family and friends over for Thanksgiving dinner, to watch football, or any other holiday gatherings, take precautions to keep guests safe and reduce your exposure to social host liability.
Be a responsible host when it comes to alcohol - encourage guests to pick a designated driver, offer non-alcoholic beverages, always serve food, and stop serving alcohol towards the end of the evening. And make sure you understand your state’s laws regarding social host liability. Click here to learn more.
We wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving!